Access All Areas


Disability Discrimination Equality Act Access Audit Service

Articles By Access All Areas
Various Articles On Disability Published By Access All Areas


Disability Access Audit Costs

The cost of a DDA Equality Act access audit report depends greatly on many factors. When requesting quotes from various audit companies your greatest concern should be how much will the recommendations within the report cost me? As mentioned in other pages of our site, we are very much aware of the overall costs to you and while we consider our access audit prices to be exceptionally competitive we are fully aware of your costs. Access All Areas always searches for a more financial rewarding result for our clients while still giving you the highest level of access and egress solutions meeting the requirements of the Equality Act 2010.

It is imperative that we discuss your needs with you in detail to establish what areas do/do not need to be audited. The cost of our services and the production and supply of a disability equality access audit will be based on the services within your building, such as Receptions, WC’s, Lifts, Stairs, Meeting rooms etc etc. As an example if you have a large building with ten meeting rooms, We would suggest we audit only two of those rooms. (There is no need to have disability compliance in multiple rooms that serve the same purpose) This not only keeps the cost of your access audit report down but more importantly keeps your recommendation costs down. This is standard practice for Access All Areas.

We are able to be flexible with our pricing structure to best meet your needs. Multiple properties will of course receive discounted prices for the entire contract. Vat will be charged on each report. Although Access All Areas covers all of the UK, we do not charge for mileage or accommodation. Our price quoted is the price you pay.

Call or email Access All Areas today for friendly straight talking free advice on 01255-242777
A phone call to us will cost you Pence, choosing the wrong access auditor could cost you Pounds!

The DDA was approved by the Office Of The Deputy Prime Minister. Access All Areas is proud to be the access audit company chosen to be involved in their audits (GOEM)

Access All Areas

Your Number One Disabled Access audit specialist In The UK

© • E-mail [email protected] • Tel: 01255-242777


Disability Discrimination Access Audit - Equality Act 2010

Access All Areas does not believe in simply coming along to your business and producing an access report that makes high cost recommendations in accordance to British Standards 8300 & Buildings Regulations Part M. We do indeed use these requirements to produce our access reports but instead of just seeing a problem and quoting the sometimes costly solutions from these references, we look for alternative solutions under the realm of ‘Reasonable Adjustment’ the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) and the recent Equality Act of 2010 state that compliance to the act should be by ‘Reasonable Adjustment’ Access All Areas has implemented this time and time again to save our customers a great deal of money. Access All Areas has a disabled access auditor that fully understands disabled issues.

Every building is unique in its access and egress problems and solutions. Access All Areas spends a great deal of time studying the solutions as well as the problems. We work hand in hand with our customers and greatly value your input before producing a report that will help give you full compliance to the Act by means designed to suit your individual needs and available finances. Access All Areas finds cost effective solutions to your access & egress issues with assistance from our disabled qualified access auditor. Nobody can understand the issues, problems and solutions of access and egress better than a disabled person. Not only that, a disabled person that fully understands ‘Reasonable Adjustment’

All our access audit reports are backed up by our after sales telephone help-line service this is a unique service that offers continued assistance in meeting the requirements of your access audit report. (However long it takes) Access all areas holds full professional indemnity insurance and has undertaken all areas of Disability awareness, Disability access/egress, the DDA and the Equality Act 2010 including BS8300 & building regulations Part M and Health & Safety.

To offer you further assurance of the quality of our services we are more than happy to pass contact details of our satisfied Previous Customers for you to speak to.

Call or email Access All Areas today for friendly straight talking free advice on 01255-242777
A phone call to us will cost you Pence, choosing the wrong access auditor could cost you Pounds!

The DDA was approved by the Office Of The Deputy Prime Minister. Access All Areas is proud to be the access audit company chosen to be involved in their audits (GOEM)

Access All Areas accessibility DDA audit statement by reasonable adjustment.

Your Number One Equality Act 2010 Access Audit Specialist In The UK


Could Your Disabled WC Facilities Put Your Business Down The Pan?

Did the above statement made you laugh? Sadly that question is very much reality and if you are serious about protecting your business you seriously need to read on!

  • Studies have shown that a staggering 95% of disabled WC facilities offered for public use by businesses, hotels, shops etc are not only illegal but are dangerous and could result in your company being sued.
  • More than 80% of newly fitted disabled WC facilities are incorrectly installed without your knowledge.
  • The Disability Discrimination Act (now the Equality Act 210) has very specific requirements for disabled WC’s. A case of injury or death due to not meeting these requirements would be very difficult if not impossible to defend.
  • Disabled WC facilities have to meet the needs of wheelchair users, the blind, visually impaired and ambient disabled as well as the many disabilities including, sensory, physical and learning disabilities.
  • Apart from access and egress the single most important as well as dangerous areas are your WC facilities.

The Solution

The solution is not only very simple, it is vital to your business protection, cost effective and meets your customers needs and your legal obligations.

Access All Areas has over 30 years of disability knowledge, knows your customers needs and further more fully understands and implements your legal requirements under the DDA. In short we protect your business and meet your disabled clients needs.

The requirements of disabled WC facilities are vast and very specific, they need to meet both sanitary and washing requirements in compliance with the Equality Act 2010. The simple and one stop solution is to call Access All Areas and let us worry about the rest.

Call Access All Areas today on 01255-242777 and reduce the risk of your business going down the pan.

The DDA was approved by the Office Of The Deputy Prime Minister. Access All Areas is proud to be the access audit company chosen to be involved in their audits

Your Number One Disabled Access Audit Specialist In The UK

© • E-mail [email protected] • Tel: 01255-242777



Disability Discrimination Equality Act Access Audit Service



The photographs above are only a small sample of issues raised within past DDA access audit reports. On average Access All Areas takes over 150 images of each access visit. Thankfully most are taken for reference reasons with specific photographs used within the final access report to highlight areas of non compliance along with Reasonable Adjustment recommendations to meet your individual requirements.

Call or email Access All Areas today for friendly straight talking free advice on 01255-242777
A phone call to us will cost you Pence, choosing the wrong access auditor could cost you Pounds!


DDA/Equality Act Reasonable Adjustment Access Audit

The DDA Acts of 1995 to 2005 required that compliance to the Disability Discrimination Act should be by ‘Reasonable Adjustment’ The Equality Act 2010 came into force on October 1st 2010 and carries forward the past requirements of the DDA. Access All Areas are experts in this field. With the assistance of our highly skilled disabled equality access auditors we feel we are unique in offering reasonable adjustment access audits that find an even balance between the required regulations and your needs, as well as the important addition of common sense ‘Reasonable Adjustment’ We do not believe in making costly unnecessary recommendations in our access statement for you to gain compliance to the act. Access All Areas is receiving requests to re-audit many buildings undertaken by various companies that have simply not applied ‘Reasonable Adjustment’

We believe our Client List is a statement of our high quality services.

The Code of Practice states that what is reasonable will vary according to:

  • The type of service being provided.
  • The nature of the service provider and its size and resources.
  • How the person’s disability affects them in that context.
  • Supplying the service by other reasonable means, such as home visiting etc.


One small church recently contacted us after receiving a past DDA access audit report statement with recommendations totalling £30-000. This included removing & replacing all the church pews with removable seating to make way for wheelchair users. We simply recommended removing one pew to make room for two wheelchairs after investigations showed that the church had a weekly congregation of TWELVE! (‘Reasonable Adjustment’ in action’) Another recommendation was a costly ramp to gain entry up the front steps into the church. Upon investigation we discovered a level entrance at the rear of the church. Clear signage directing those unable to manage the steps giving directions to the rear of the church was recommended at minimum cost. (‘Reasonable Adjustment’ in action’)

A very important issue about ‘Reasonable Adjustment’ is timescales of work to be undertaken. We take into account your available finances and mostly suggest you undertake the improvements within your own regular building maintenance periods. Any areas of Health & Safety are judged on there severity. The important fact is that you have a disabled equality access audit report completed showing you have recognised the non compliance of your building/service and you are working on a scheduled implementation of access improvements designed to meet your individual finances.

  • We were recently requested to take over the past DDA access audit of a 15 storey building in central London after part of the previous auditors recommendations included the immediate replacement of 85 doors that had high vision panels. We simple requested the correction of panels in the busiest areas to be undertaken at their next maintenance period, with the remainder over a five year period. 31 doors were excluded from correction due to being in non public and non working areas. (‘Reasonable Adjustment’ in action’)

A phone call to us will cost you Pence, choosing the wrong access auditor could cost you Pounds!
Click To Return To The Home Page of Access All Areas Or Email Us For A Peace Of Mind Reasonable Adjustment Equality Access Audit. Alternatively Please Feel Free To Call Us On 01255-242777 To Discuss Your Needs.


Audit Exmpl

Reasonable adjustment DDA and Equality Act 2010 access audits

All disability act access audits undertaken by Access All Areas pay great attention to ‘Reasonable Adjustment’ We have vast experience in this area. We have proven that this approach will save your business money by recommending not only what is reasonably expected of you to comply with the the previous Disability Discrimination Act 1995 but what best assists your disabled visitors and staff members within the new Equality Act 2010. Unreasonable and unneeded costly changes are always avoided.

The reasons for carrying out an access audit are to help meet the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and improve disabled access and egress and in turn increase your custom and turnover as well as help protect you from claims of disability discrimination. It is necessary to carry out an access audit to establish what action is needed. This takes the form of an initial consultation with you to determine your business needs followed by an access audit inspection of the premises. A price would be agreed before any work has begun.

A comprehensive access audit report will then be produced, this will become your plan forward. Your report will detail current non-compliance and recommend a course of action to be implemented as a future plan. Photographs within your report will identify areas of non-compliance. Priorities will be given to work recommended. Some items (Especially Health & Safety issues) may need to be carried out immediately whereas other items could be added to the regular maintenance program of your building. Some larger items may need to be included in a feasibility study undertaken by yourselves. Diagrams and step by step instructions will also be included inline with disability equality requirements. Your Equality Act report is supplied in PDF via email with colour hardback and a CD copy if required.

Access All Areas is proud of its customer relations. We offers a free telephone help-line to assist you while work is being planned and undertaken. We have a very high level of understanding of the many disabilities. Hearing and visual impairments along with learning difficulties, ambulant disabilities and physical disabilities and those of wheelchair users must all be considered on equal terms.

For more details oo our past DDA audits and the current Equality Act of 2010 and our ‘Reasonable Adjustment‘ disability access audits, please call Access All Areas today on 01255-242777 or Email us. Your telephone call will cost you pence, employing the wrong disability access auditor and taking the wrong approach could cost you pounds!

Access All Areas - The sensible approach to disabled compliance

Previous Customers

Partial Client List




Argent Centre - Liverpool Chubb Buildings - Wolverhampton Centre Point Building - London
Melbourne Athletics Centre Moorgate Management Ltd Newport Pagnell Council Offices
Miller House - Maidstone ABC Group Nation-wide Jesmond Drive Shopping Aberdeen
Dominion Space Management Almo Office - London Glass Barrel. Birkenhead
Opus 4 Solutions - London Family Housing - London Tendring Planning Office - Essex
Castlemead Shopping Centre. Royal Bank Of Scotland East Anglian Railway Museum
Beacon House - Bournemouth Castle Chambers - Torquay Jubilee Business Centre - B-ham
Commutation Plaza - Liverpool Carriage House - Maidstone Kent Chelmsford Job Centre
Portfields Community Centre William Loveless Hall - Essex Cliff Hotel. Harwich - Essex
Tilbury Fort St Chads Centre - Oldham Henden Golf Club - London
Pennine House - Oldham Kingsway Books - Essex Telsen Business Centre - B-ham
Neighbourhood Centre - Leicester Lighthouse Arts - Wolverhampton Persil Service Counters
GLU Mobile - London Pemberton Greenish - London Roxy Bar & Screen - London
Ayers & Cruiks - Southend National Art Fund - London Moorgate Management Ltd - London
The Rights Shop - London Digital Connexions - Leeds Needspace - Crawley