Could Your Disabled WC Facilities Put Your Business Down The Pan?
Did the above statement made you laugh? Sadly that question is very much reality and if you are serious about protecting your business you seriously need to read on!
- Studies have shown that a staggering 95% of disabled WC facilities offered for public use by businesses, hotels, shops etc are not only illegal but are dangerous and could result in your company being sued.
- More than 80% of newly fitted disabled WC facilities are incorrectly installed without your knowledge.
- The Disability Discrimination Act (now the Equality Act 210) has very specific requirements for disabled WC’s. A case of injury or death due to not meeting these requirements would be very difficult if not impossible to defend.
- Disabled WC facilities have to meet the needs of wheelchair users, the blind, visually impaired and ambient disabled as well as the many disabilities including, sensory, physical and learning disabilities.
- Apart from access and egress the single most important as well as dangerous areas are your WC facilities.
The Solution
The solution is not only very simple, it is vital to your business protection, cost effective and meets your customers needs and your legal obligations.
Access All Areas has over 30 years of disability knowledge, knows your customers needs and further more fully understands and implements your legal requirements under the DDA. In short we protect your business and meet your disabled clients needs.
The requirements of disabled WC facilities are vast and very specific, they need to meet both sanitary and washing requirements in compliance with the Equality Act 2010. The simple and one stop solution is to call Access All Areas and let us worry about the rest.
The DDA was approved by the Office Of The Deputy Prime Minister. Access All Areas is proud to be the access audit company chosen to be involved in their audits
Your Number One Disabled Access Audit Specialist In The UK
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